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Anasayfa » 7 July 2014

7 July 2014

We open ourselves to the new possibilities of communication. 

Yesterday we were faced with our fears by the help of Elvira’s facilitation. It was an intense session that ended up releasing our energies to Mother Earth in the garden. Then I facilitated a session where we tried to communicate using our body language. A flowing chat of bodies led by our palms… If we leave the words aside, an amazing range of possibilities open for communication. 

Today we continued to talk in silence through our bodies about sexuality. It was a very powerful session facilitated by Şehri. My partner was Nelli. In the beginning I was reserved but the generous openness and light-heartedness of Nelli opened me up. We had an intimate dialogue although we did not speak a word. It might seem crazy but that is what exactly happened. 

Apart from body-to-body communication, we also did some very abstract stuff like exploring the movement of colors using our bodies. Tuba led that workshop and it was very energizing and fun. 

In the evening, Hazal and Şehri suggested taking over my responsibility for re-planning the next day’s content. They might have sensed my tension due to the workload. It is great to have such emphatic and tuned comrades.